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2003-04-29: New American Classics
Saturday, March 29, 2003 @ 8:00pm
Illsely Ball Nordstrom Hall at Benaroya Hall in downtown Seattle
Guest artists: Duane Hulbert, piano
Amy Rubin, composer/ piano
Mark Robbins, French horn
SCP presents some of the most provocative and adventurous works by leading contemporary American composers: John Harbison’sheroic Twilight Music, Aaron Jay Kernis’ dazzling Trio in Red, and Kyle Gann’s Native American tribute, Hovenweep. Their styles and influences will intrigue and delight you and keep you hungry for a second serving! New York composer/ pianist Amy Rubin, recognized for her playful use of African and Latin Americas rhythms, helps us launch her new commission. Joining us is versatile pianist and recent Grammy nominee, Duane Hulbert.
Join us for a pre- concert lecture 7: 15pm hosted by Seattle Weekly’sGavin Borchert.