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2004-02-13: Icebreaker II: Baltic Voices- A Three-Day Festival

Friday, February 13th, 2004 - 8 PM
Saturday, February 14th, 2004 - 2 PM
Sunday, February 15th, 2004 - 7 PM
Following our celebrated 2001 festival of music from Russia, we present an equally unique Icebreaker II, a three-day series of concerts and symposia curated by musicologist Dr. Elena Dubinets. Join us for the opportunity of a lifetime and experience the most current musical trends and styles evolving from the countries that surround the Baltic Sea, the crossroads of the fertile cultures of Scandinavia and Eastern Europe: Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Poland, Lithuania, Russia and Sweden. Guest performers include Seattle’s celebrated guitarist Michael Partington and Russian pianist Ivan Sokolov, appearing with the SCP for the third consecutive year.
For symposia schedule and concert details call (206) 286-5052 or visit our website www.seattlechamberplayers.org
Packages available for concerts and symposia.
Tickets: General $20/Seniors $18/Student/$12.